Self Help Links

My Planned Care

Helpful information and guidance for patients waiting for a hospital consultation, treatment or surgery. The COVID 19 pandemic has meant that there are more people waiting for an operation. This means that some people are waiting a long time for a hospital appointment or for treatment. We know that it can be very difficult for many people who are waiting. The NHS is working hard to see people as quickly as possible, but it is going to take a while before waiting times are back down to where they were before the COVID-19 pandemic began in the UK in early 2020. Anyone waiting for a hospital appointment, operation or treatment, can now access the NHS My Planned Care which gives them direct access to the latest average wait time information for their trust, as well as helpful advice and support whilst they wait. Updated weekly, the site is easy-to-use and is ‘open-access’ so their carer, friends, relatives, and can NHS team can also access this information. We encourage people to look at this site where they may find the information they need before contacting their GP or hospital for an update about any elective procedures they are waiting for. As well as wait time information, the platform also includes helpful details about how to manage pain, mental health, keeping healthy and accessing financial help and other local support whilst they wait. It can also help people to prepare for their appointment/operation, including how to make a plan for their care and treatment alongside their healthcare professional.


A carer is a person of any age ( including children) who provides unpaid support to a partner, relative, friend or meighbout who couldn’t cope without their help. This could be due to old age, fraility, disability, a serious health condition, mental ill health or substance misuse. Parents of children who are disabled or who have a serious health condition are also considered to be carers. Are you a carer? If so, please let us know.


Psychological Therapy Services

Nottingham CityCare
